Fedora Seminar Anuradhapura 2011

Fedora Introduction Seminar 2011 was held in 8th December 2011 in Faculty of Science, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. This was organised by Sri Lankan Fedora ambassadors and other Sri Lankan fedora contributors. Career guidance unit of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka was also behind this effort and they taken care of the foods and beverages. Most of the members of Fedora LK community (lk.fedoracommunity.org) were put their efforts to make this event a success.

Event promotions were done via a Facebook event page, FOSS User magazine and posters.

Event Flow

    • Fedora 16 Live CDs and Fedora Stickers were provided by Fedora LK Community for all participants.
    • The event was started at 12.30PM (GMT +5.30).
    • The event was started with the speech of Dr. B.A Karunarathna, Dean Faculty of Science, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
    • After the welcome speeches from University lectures and ARICT (Association of Rajarata Information and Communication Technology) members, Buddhika Kurera talked about Introduction to FOSS/ Linux/ Fedora. With the examples like open cola (kind of funny moment 😀 ), he expressed the idea behind open source software. And also he spoke about mission of open source initiative. In the end of his speech he spoke about software licensing and how free open source software license work.
    • Then Hasitha Kusal Jayasooriya demonstrated the F16 new features and also he discussed about the interface of F16. Audience had some questions regrading new GNOME interface and installation of Fedora 16. Appropriate answers were gave by Hasitha with detailed explanations.
    • After, Buddhika Kurera discussed about some important aspects of Bash Shell and Bash Scripting. Also this speech helped a lot to get a start for the next speech of Uditha’s. Because many undergraduates had questions about basic terminal commands.
    • In the end of the Bash Scripting short speech, time came for the refreshments and some music, Participant enjoyed the music while having refreshments.
    • Then again, evening session was started with the technology speech and demonstration of Uditha Bandara Wijerathna regarding LAMP in F16. He discussed about how to install and configure Apache, MySQL and PHP from scratch on a F16 environment. He demonstrated all the process including the extraction of source files, compilation of sources.
    • Finally Buddhika Kurera talked little bit about “How to join with fedora project / Importance of joining fedora”.
    • At last University of Rajarata Sri Lanka handed over souvenirs to the resource persons from Fedroa LK Community to express the Faculty’s gratitude.
    • The event was ended nicely with lots of friendly conversions with Undergraduates, lectures and Fedora LK community members (Including Sri Lankan FAms).

Some moments which were caught by camera lens….

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Last modified on Saturday, 07 January 2012 07:59

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